The business is picking up, the boy is walking, and living in the big city just has a tendency to suck up your time. Doing what? I can't put my finger on it, but it seems I had a lot more time to do things like blog on when I was living in Mexico. In any case, I love this blog, I love this web site and I don't want it's readers to get bored and abandon it, so I'm looking for someone or several people who want to blog about prison issues, treatment of inmates, the anti-death penalty movement, wrongful convictions and prison books.
Candidates must be fully literate, good with English grammar and spelling (funnily, I typed that wrong and had to edit) and have a serious interest in these issues whether they are professionals or not. I don't want death penalty supporters, I don't want tough-on-crimers. I would like thoughtful, intelligent individuals that can look at empirical data that is widely available from one coast to another, and see that the way we treat our criminals is not helping to make us safer.
While I have absolutely nothing against any religion, I would like to keep religion out of this blog so as not to alienate anyone. This blog is about prison and the death penalty and how both of these punishments simply do not work.
You must also agree that anything you post is subject to my own personal edits. Yeah. That's how we're running things over here. Big brother style. Take it or leave it. (I can't think of any situation that would call for these edits, so long as we stick to the subject matter).
Benefits to you include:
- Doing something good for people who really need it, and for your community
- Educating the public on very serious issues that threaten our personal safety.
- Being able to plug your own related web site or organization every once in a while.
Send me your full name, email address, location, what your relationship to the issues surrounding prison is, an example of your writing and answer these 3 questions:
1. Are there any circumstances under which you would support state sanctioned killing?
2. Do you believe there are situations in which children should be tried as adults? If yes, which situations.
3. Name one thing that could change in the American Justice System that you think would make a massive difference in the public's safety and US crime rates.
If you don't want to be a guest blogger but still want to answer these questions, I welcome the answers in the comments. Otherwise email your application to
Technorati Tags: prison, crime, law, bloggers wanted, blogging, bloggers

Candidates must be fully literate, good with English grammar and spelling (funnily, I typed that wrong and had to edit) and have a serious interest in these issues whether they are professionals or not. I don't want death penalty supporters, I don't want tough-on-crimers. I would like thoughtful, intelligent individuals that can look at empirical data that is widely available from one coast to another, and see that the way we treat our criminals is not helping to make us safer.
While I have absolutely nothing against any religion, I would like to keep religion out of this blog so as not to alienate anyone. This blog is about prison and the death penalty and how both of these punishments simply do not work.
You must also agree that anything you post is subject to my own personal edits. Yeah. That's how we're running things over here. Big brother style. Take it or leave it. (I can't think of any situation that would call for these edits, so long as we stick to the subject matter).
Benefits to you include:
- Doing something good for people who really need it, and for your community
- Educating the public on very serious issues that threaten our personal safety.
- Being able to plug your own related web site or organization every once in a while.
Send me your full name, email address, location, what your relationship to the issues surrounding prison is, an example of your writing and answer these 3 questions:
1. Are there any circumstances under which you would support state sanctioned killing?
2. Do you believe there are situations in which children should be tried as adults? If yes, which situations.
3. Name one thing that could change in the American Justice System that you think would make a massive difference in the public's safety and US crime rates.
If you don't want to be a guest blogger but still want to answer these questions, I welcome the answers in the comments. Otherwise email your application to
Technorati Tags: prison, crime, law, bloggers wanted, blogging, bloggers
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