Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nevada Questions Cost of Death Penalty

Nevada bill requires moratorium, study of death penalty cost | | Reno Gazette-Journal
A dozen lawmakers have introduced a bill to impose a moratorium on capital punishment in Nevada until 2011, while a study is done on the cost of the death penalty.

As Nevada grapples with a limited budget, it’s time to consider the effectiveness of a punishment process that costs the state more per person than any other option, said Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie, D-Reno and a sponsor of the bill.
One of the most common myths regarding the death penalty is that it is the least expensive way to deal with an inmate. This article points out that the death penalty, in actual fact, can cost 3 to 4 times as much as life in prison.

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1 comment:

  1. Colorado, too is considering repeal of its seldom-used death penalty. The bill's sponsor. State Rep. Paul Weissman, is morally opposed to capital punishment, but has found that he gets a lot more traction these days by making the money argument. The money saved under Weissman's proprosal would be used to solve cold cases, a feature that has won over a number of victim advocates.
