This is a very good article about the state of wrongful convictions in Michigan. It's purpose is to prove why Michigan needs an Innocence Commission, but I think it shows why any state does.
Freeman case another reason for Michigan innocence commission | | Detroit Free Press

Freeman case another reason for Michigan innocence commission | | Detroit Free Press
In Michigan, people don’t need to read the studies. Just read the headlines. Earlier this month, for example, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said her office has identified nearly 150 cases of convicted and imprisoned people that will require the retesting of evidence as part of the investigation into the now-closed Detroit police crime lab.Technorati Tags: wrongful conviction, wrongfully convicted, exonerated, exoneree, innocence, innocence commission, prison, crime
Also this month, a self-professed hit man, Vincent Smothers, told police he killed four people in September 2007 — crimes a 16-year-old is now serving up to 90 years in prison for. Davontae Sanford, who has learning disabilities, confessed to the crime that occurred when he was 14, but the confession now looks coerced. Sanford told police he used an M14 rifle to commit the crime, but forensics evidence shows that an AK47 and .45 caliber pistol were used.
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