It seems like every State is laying off or cutting the wages of corrections workers. This is bad not just for the workers themselves, but for inmates and inmates' families. If the prison population remains the same but the number of correctional officers is cut, the remaining officers are going to have a harder job and be under more stress and stressed out cops running a prison is a very bad thing. Article after article keeps popping up about these layoffs and wage cuts. Here are a few related to this topic:
Corrections layoffs on top of prison closures - New York
Douglas, union squabble over job cuts |
Capitol Weekly: Labor contracts for SEIU face Legislature’s OK
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin: Local News
Technorati Tags: prison, correctional officer, layoffs, wages, economy

Corrections layoffs on top of prison closures - New York
Douglas, union squabble over job cuts |
Capitol Weekly: Labor contracts for SEIU face Legislature’s OK
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin: Local News
Technorati Tags: prison, correctional officer, layoffs, wages, economy
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