Here's a great article about how the USA now has the largest incarceration rate in the world, and why. I have often had conversations about this with many people and the question that keeps coming up is, are there that many Americans in need of being kept away from society for fear they may do something so terribly wrong? Really? Of all the countries in the world, America has the highest population of individuals who, without shackles and chains, would hurt another human being? And if this isn't the case, why would any American citizen, especially those that lead the country, want the rest of the world to think that? Why would they want to send that message to the rest of the world? That 1 in 31 Americans can't be out on the street or without supervision because they threaten public safety.
As an outsider, a Canadian living in Mexico, I am often around people who have nothing good to say about the USA. Some of whom have even sworn off ever visiting again because they feel it is too dangerous. This is the impression the American incarceration rate is giving foreigners. Obviously, I know better. I know that the vast majority of people incarcerated in the USA, even some people in for murder, wouldn't harm another living soul for the rest of their lives if they were out on the street. I know that the incarceration rate is a reflection of politicians' fears of being seen as "soft on crime", but I see these things because I spend time every day educating myself about these problems. Most people just see the way American news plays on fears and they see 2.4 million in prison. I know people in Mexico City who think it is safer than anywhere in the US.
My question is, as it always is with prison-related issues, why? Why would America want it's reputation to be worse than that of Australia when it was a penal colony? Why do Americans put up with it?
The article:

As an outsider, a Canadian living in Mexico, I am often around people who have nothing good to say about the USA. Some of whom have even sworn off ever visiting again because they feel it is too dangerous. This is the impression the American incarceration rate is giving foreigners. Obviously, I know better. I know that the vast majority of people incarcerated in the USA, even some people in for murder, wouldn't harm another living soul for the rest of their lives if they were out on the street. I know that the incarceration rate is a reflection of politicians' fears of being seen as "soft on crime", but I see these things because I spend time every day educating myself about these problems. Most people just see the way American news plays on fears and they see 2.4 million in prison. I know people in Mexico City who think it is safer than anywhere in the US.
My question is, as it always is with prison-related issues, why? Why would America want it's reputation to be worse than that of Australia when it was a penal colony? Why do Americans put up with it?
The article:
America now has the largest incarceration rate in the world. The number of imprisoned American citizens is far greater than any of the 36 largest European inmate populations, including Russia.Technorati Tags: prison, incarceration, USA
Many questions arise from this information. Three questions stand out: Why do we imprison so many Americans? Is the person leaving prison a better citizen for the experience? And why are so few individuals incarcerated in Europe?
Net worth: America now has the largest incarceration rate in the world « Prisonmovement’s Weblog
Consider this: If you add to the 2.4 million people who are incarcerated, those who are on parole or probation, the number of people under supervision by the US criminal justice system soars to 7.3 million. If each of these people has 10 friends/relatives, then there are 80 million profoundly affected. When this group finds its voice, the changes will be great.