Dear California,
I realize budgeting an entire state is a difficult task, especially during this recession. But seriously, how can you get it so wrong? I have a few very serious questions for you, California.
1. How can you justify cutting funding to the education system, while you continue to spend on locking up non-violent offenders? Do you not understand the correlation between poor education and crime? Do you not understand that by cutting funding for education, you are ensuring an increase in all crime in your future?
2. How can you continue to justify spending money on locking up drug offenders? You do realize that your efforts are entirely futile and that no matter how many drug users and drug dealers you lock up, there will still be more. Maybe if you spent less on lockup and more on education, you could lower the numbers of offenders. Maybe if you spent more on drug treatment programs, there would be less drug offenders. Stop locking up people who are only a threat to themselves and pissing away money that could be used for essential services.
3. How can you justify running a death row when you are cutting funding to essential services like education? Does killing a human being mean that much to you, California, that you would sacrifice your child's education, and thus, any shot at a decent life just to do it? Do you not think that perhaps your rage and desire for revenge is getting the better of you and causing you to not see clearly? Do you not realize the massive cost that is involved in having the death penalty as opposed to life in prison?
4. I realize being in close proximity to a half asleep moron eating cheezits and playing Halo can be uncomfortable, but is it so much so that marijuana needs to be illegal? Do you realize the money that could be made off of these completely harmless potheads who almost single-handedly account for 7-11's entire revenue, just by taxing weed? That wouldn't be tough on crime though, would it? Not like locking up 242 innocent men and women while the real perpetrators go free. That's really tough on crime.
In short, California, pull your head out of your proverbial ass. Budgeting an entire state may be hard, but it's nowhere near as hard as you make it out to be.
Technorati Tags: california, budget, recession, education, marijuana, crime, prison, law, death row, death penalty

I realize budgeting an entire state is a difficult task, especially during this recession. But seriously, how can you get it so wrong? I have a few very serious questions for you, California.
1. How can you justify cutting funding to the education system, while you continue to spend on locking up non-violent offenders? Do you not understand the correlation between poor education and crime? Do you not understand that by cutting funding for education, you are ensuring an increase in all crime in your future?
2. How can you continue to justify spending money on locking up drug offenders? You do realize that your efforts are entirely futile and that no matter how many drug users and drug dealers you lock up, there will still be more. Maybe if you spent less on lockup and more on education, you could lower the numbers of offenders. Maybe if you spent more on drug treatment programs, there would be less drug offenders. Stop locking up people who are only a threat to themselves and pissing away money that could be used for essential services.
3. How can you justify running a death row when you are cutting funding to essential services like education? Does killing a human being mean that much to you, California, that you would sacrifice your child's education, and thus, any shot at a decent life just to do it? Do you not think that perhaps your rage and desire for revenge is getting the better of you and causing you to not see clearly? Do you not realize the massive cost that is involved in having the death penalty as opposed to life in prison?
4. I realize being in close proximity to a half asleep moron eating cheezits and playing Halo can be uncomfortable, but is it so much so that marijuana needs to be illegal? Do you realize the money that could be made off of these completely harmless potheads who almost single-handedly account for 7-11's entire revenue, just by taxing weed? That wouldn't be tough on crime though, would it? Not like locking up 242 innocent men and women while the real perpetrators go free. That's really tough on crime.
In short, California, pull your head out of your proverbial ass. Budgeting an entire state may be hard, but it's nowhere near as hard as you make it out to be.
Technorati Tags: california, budget, recession, education, marijuana, crime, prison, law, death row, death penalty
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