A humorous account of Indie Rock Band, The High Strung playing live shows at Gitmo:

Technorati Tags: Guantanamo, Guantanamo bay, gitmo, prison, high strung, rock showGranted, there’s also that other, infamous purpose for the base. “Our escort, Mike, offered to give us a tour, and our first request was to see the prison camp. Of course, he said no,” Derek said, “but then later he took us to the high point on the island, and he had some binoculars and he showed us Camp X-Ray, and he said that we could see that it was closed down. And we looked at that and we were like, yeah, looks like there’s nobody there. But it was still, like, in the back of our heads the whole time, that there were prisoners there, in other prison camps. It was kind of creepy.” At some point, later in the trip, while they were in a rec building, Flight 93 came on—the movie about the 9/11 plane that went down in Pennsylvania—and everyone they were with noticed, but nobody said a word. “And I was like, the guy who did this is here, right?” Derek asked. “And one of the military guys said, ‘No, this movie wasn’t shot here.’ And I was like, No. Khalil Sheikh Mohammed, the guy who thought up the whole 9/11 plot. He’s here, right? And they were like, Oh, yeah. He’s one of the masterminds. He’s here. And that was that. I wanted to talk about it more, but it was just a really awkward moment.”
Read the rest: The High Strung Rocks Gitmo: Brett Berk | Vanity Fair
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